Monday, October 25, 2010

Stamp those letters STRAIGHT

This is one of our recent videos with a handy letter stamping tip.

We are currently trying out different microphone/camera combinations to get the right one. We are looking for a mix of clear sound, in-focus images and ease-of-use.

So far, we haven't found the perfect one but we'll keep trying.

Tracy loves making these videos and they have been very popular with our customers. We prefer to teach folks in-person in the store but sometimes that's just not possible, like when you are stuck trying to stamp letters straight on discs at 11:30 at night!


  1. So simple, and yet I don't think I ever would
    have thought of it. I especially like the idea
    of the two layers creating an edge. Thank you
    so much for sharing the tip.

  2. How WONDERFUL! I have used the ubiquitous blue tape for many, many things; but it never occurred to me to do THIS! Thanks, much ;-)
    - p

  3. I love that you are posting videos. I used to live in NC but have since moved to Portland, OR and I miss you shop tons. I miss going there on Tues and learning something new every week. I thank you for the videos and hope that you keep up the amazing work!


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