Tuesday, November 04, 2014

Newsletter, November 4th

good morning- 

Do you feel like you gained an hour this past weekend? I do. 

Yes, I know it's just a trick of our time-swapping. I know that. Somehow, though, I spent the entire day feeling like time was more generous. Even with a last-minute activity or two popped into my day, I still felt that there was plenty of time for anything. 

I'm trying to hold on to that feeling this week. I'm slowing myself down a bit, and finishing things up. I'm trying to feel expansive, like there is enough time for what I want to do, like I could even work ahead a bit. A wise friend recently told me that getting something done in advance of a deadline was a gift to my future self. That's a good way to think about it, right?

Today, a nice gift to my current and future selves will be voting. Yep, today is the day. I'll stop in to my local polling spot and fill all the ovals in, extra carefully. I hope you'll go vote, if you haven't already. After voting, I'll make one of our adjustable bangles at Try It Tuesday. This project is one you don't want to miss, as the technique is one you'll want to use a lot this autumn as you make gifts for all your friends. 

If you need a gift for your current self, you may want to check out our Gardanne Trunk Show. There are a few pieces shown in the header of this newsletter, or you could check out the Gardanne page on our site. The site only has five styles, but we have a much wider variety in the shop. Look for a new necklace DIY using these gorgeous enamelled components later this week in our Dispatch. I'll be wearing it today in the store if you want to see what it looks like in person. 

This Friday night we'll have a free project at First Friday. If you are fan of owls, you won't want to miss this one...watch the facebook page or instagram for hints all week and join me from 6-8 on Friday to make a free project. 

Oh, one last thing: we've just booked a trunk show with Arun Shah of Bollywood Beads. If you are looking for exquisite stones in traditional and unusual cuts, this is your trunk show. Arun will be here Nov. 13-15th. I'll send an update with pictures as soon as I can. 

Thanks to that extra hour, the sun is almost up already! I think I'll go find something to wear with that Gardanne necklace.

I'll see you soon-

P.S. The Handmade Market is Saturday! Join me for the Early Bird Shopping at 10:00. I like to get the first look at the goodies, and I can't wait to see the Handmaiden's first-ever calendar! Get the details here. 

This message is from our weekly store newsletter, if you don't subscribe, you can do so here. 

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