I love the work of Raleigh artist Kristen Townsend of Mood Swing Studio. She has paired up with San Francisco artist Mati Rose to create these beautiful necklaces and now artist Kelly Rae is giving one away on her blog. Kelly Rae has a fabulously inspirational book that makes you drool visually and swoon emotionally. I love it.
Go, enter the contest here. Do it now, it closes soon...
If you want to see Kristen's work in person check out the Handmade Market on November 7th at Marbles in Raleigh...the place to get all the gifts you don't make yourself. Kristen is a Handmaiden and one of the 'old' Ornamentea customers from way back in the days of the tiny store...
What a sweet site! Thanks for the heads up on the contest. I hope I win--these necklaces are awesome!