Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Worth the trip...

We sell a lot of items in our store in Raleigh, North Carolina, that will NEVER make it to the website. Take these vintage pearl dangles. We have about 28 of them, in a mix of silver and gold. We won't put them on the site, or even the etsy shop, because there are just too few of them.

To see them, you have to come to the store.

In this Amazon-everything world, this is a weird concept for some folks. They are confused by why we would sell ANYTHING that we don't have on our site.


See, we think we are worth the trip. Yes, we aren't the biggest bead store. Yes, we don't have EVERY SINGLE SEED BEAD in the universe. So what. We have things you've never seen before, or won't see very often. We have a red work table where you can sit and play with the items you find. I think those things, and the rest of the do-dads and gee-gaws make us worth the trip...

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