Wednesday, June 27, 2007

ME? A Thinking Blogger?

So the talented Melanie of Earthenwood Studios has nominated this blog for a Thinking Blogger Award. I have to do a bit of work for this, it's a meme award, so you'll see a post in the next few days, but I am just jotting down now to say, huh? If she only knew how much not thinking goes into this ramble!

Right now I should be thinking-writing on the book, actually-but instead I am blogging=goofing off.

Come to think of it, it's midnight o'thirty. I should be sleeping!


  1. No no no! Blogging is *not* goofing off!

    (Is it?) ;)

  2. well, for me, blogging is goofing off. I have two small children, a business and a book that won't write itself so doing this (typing without remittance!) is goofing I define ANYTHING as goofing off if I am doing it instead of doing something that is really more pressing. You know, procrastinating!

  3. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Congratulations! You have a great blog here.
    Catherine, the redhead


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