Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Do you make them? I do. I really do want to be a better person each year. You know, neater, kinder, less scattered. I don't ever make big resolutions because I figure that would just be too much to handle. I like small, manageable resolutions. Among this year's are:

Write more neatly on my calendars. Usually my calendars look like this picture. Messy, messy, messy. Now, I do know how to write neatly. And I could erase instead of crossing out items. So this year, I will. I will be neat on my calendar. At least until about March or when I forget.

Give random crafty gifts to friends and family. I did this a few times last year and folks got so excited I decided to do it more this year. Just make something I love and then give it away to someone I love. Random gifts are always nice, I know I love them. This year I will make a few more surprises for girlfriends, my sister, even my hubby. Shh, I am not going to say what I am working on for this resolution right now!

And finally do things in a more timely manner. Yeah, right. It's what, January 11th?


  1. Anonymous6:07 PM

    I also like small resolutions. And this year I minimized it to just one word. Deliberate. I want to be deliberate in so many realms. More thoughtful. Less on auto pilot.

  2. Oh, don't erase! I value my calendars more as records of what I did, or didn't have time or choose to do afterall. I'd love to keep a journal, but when I don' old calendars are a great reminder of what my weeks were like!

  3. My mother in law keeps intensely detailed calendars and does save them. You can look up and see what day of the week she vacuumed the living room in this week in 1972. Mine need some erasing as my days change from what is scheduled to what actually happens. Such is life.


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