Monday, December 08, 2008

Crown Sighting!

Ahh, I love it when I am reminded what a small world this is. My hubby and girls went with some friends to see the Carolina Rollergirls recent bout and someone told me that there was a woman at the bout who was wearing a crown just like the one I had made. Vintage do-dads and sparkly stuff and everything. We wondered if she had gotten the idea from my blog or from the store, but you never know about those things, right? Well, not right. Today I see a comment from Scatterbox about her crown that she wore to the Rollergirls bout (and a bunch of other places.) It is a small world we inhabit. Crazy! So here's a picture of the crown that Scatterbox should visit her blog and read her very funny rants and raves about life as a creative genius. Oh, and let her know that she does not look like a dork in her crown.
(That is a picture of Scatterbox in her crown, I nicked if from her blog without permission...I think she won't mind too much.)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Yay! Not only am I glad someone spotted my tiara, I'm glad they came to the game! Since I wasn't skating, I had to take advantage of the opportunity to wear it. It looks much better on my head than a helmet, anyway.

    Good call with the glitter on the mouse! It's really not that bad... just a little vintage smoodge in a couple places. The weight and lack of space for it were bigger factors for non-placement. But now that I have a way to snazz it up, it will fit brilliantly on my tree.

    Thanks for the blog love!


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