Tuesday, April 07, 2009

a fun day with Betz White

Ahh, that was great. This past Saturday we hosted Betz White at Panopolie for a class. It was one of those crazy, anything-goes classes that I love so much. When you are looking to make bags out of felted sweaters, old belts and cut up jeans half the work is finding the right 'ingredients' and the other half is getting up the courage to cut into them. Ok, the third half is deciding on just the right project!Betz started by showing us several projects from her newest book, Sewing Green for inspiration and then she worked the room, gently coaxing us into cutting up those felted sweaters and silk ties. I spent a lot of time threading needles but even I managed to finish one bag and start a second. Several people made multiple bags (the largest number I saw was 6!) and a couple of folks just concentrated on making one really good one. We also got to try our hands at making one of Betz's newest designs, this felted wool nest pin. It's so sweet! She had a bunch of felted wool in just the right shades of brown and green and we used some tiny felt balls to finish the nests.
Betz autographed copies of both her books for us and it was a real treat to see the projects from Sewing Green in person. They're even more beautiful. I am really inspired to quit holding on to my thrifted goodies for just the right moment. That moment is now!

(read what Betz has to say about us here and you can even follow her blog tour and win a copy of her book!)

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