Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thrifty&Swifty Gifties

Hello and welcome to a new blog feature. Every Wednesday I will share an inexpensive gift idea that somehow doesn't make you look cheap. No one likes to look cheap. I am going to focus on the useful gifts. Yes, earrings are lovely and inexpensive and can look very spendy all wrapped in a pretty box with corresponding ribbons but that's too obvious. Cheap and useful, that's harder.

This week I want to share a great post from a blog I'd love to hate but just can't. Cathie Filian is one of the big names, TV show, lotsa books, the whole package but she also does blog posts for things like Barbie couches. Eat that, Martha!

So, go visit Cathie's blog and you can read how to make these tricky silver storage bags. She's advocating them for your silverware and tea sets but we crafty beadfreaks and metalfreaks know that a nice silver storage bag to keep coils of wire in would be sooo swanky to break out at the next craft night. Imagine having different bags for each gauge of wire. Imagine the look on your craft pal's face when you whip up a few for her, embroidered or silk-screened or just stamped with her fav gauges.

cathie filian: make your own silver storage bags

The bags pictured are from Cathie's blog.

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