Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Technique Thursday; Beaded Wire Bangle

Have you ever wanted to use beaded wire? I don't mean wire with beads on it, I mean wire with a textured or 'beaded' surface. We have this lovely nickle-silver beaded wire that is sturdy enough for ring bands and bangle bracelets. The wire is very popular for soldered uses. This cold-connected bracelet makes the most of the wire beading to provide the perfect space for a bit of wire lacing.

We used this beaded wire, this Swarovski crystal dangle and this antique brass 22 gauge wire.

If you are in Raleigh, come make one on Thursday night, February 24th, at the shop. We have a nice big work table and we'll talk you through the technique. Each bracelet will only cost $6.

Technique Thursday is every Thursday evening at the store. Click here for more information.

1 comment:

  1. I have NEVER hear of this before! It's fantastic. Just when I think I'm starting to run out of crafting inspiration, I see this. Thank you thank you!


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