Monday, September 03, 2012

Inspired By Nature Retreat

You know I love the idea of a craft retreat...getting away for a few days, or a week, to focus on your work and learn a few new techniques is endlessly appealing to me. I tend to get my work done in short, hours-long bursts of caffeine-and-wine-fueled fury. Sometimes I get a friend to help me (thank you, Stacy!) but often I'm all alone, working into the wee hours. The companionship and group growth of a retreat is something I look forward to enjoying a lot, someday. With my children still pretty young I don't get to head out on my  own as often as I might like...but a mom can dream!

The Inspired By Nature Retreat with Heather Powers and Erin Prais-Hinz looks like a fabulous way to spend a weekend. The leaves will be at their peak, the projects are naturally-themed and the teachers will be great...

Ahh, if you go, send me pictures, okay?

Check out the retreat registration page here...


  1. I does look like a lovely place to relax and create.

  2. Yup! ME IS GOING! Yup, am so excited, I am shouting :)

  3. Thank you Cynthia! I hope one day you'll be able join us for one of my retreats!


Do you have something else to add?