Wednesday, November 06, 2013


I am an angry knitter. This is a fact. I can't tolerate you breathing or blinking or even thinking about breathing or blinking if I am knitting. You will confuse me and I'll mix up knit and purl.

I can cut-and-sew the HECK out of a sweater, though. These Swants, I may have to try. Or at least I'll read the tutorial a few more times. It's hilarious.

See, that's the problem. While I don't knit, I do like to read the blogs of several knitters. Somehow, it's recreational for me.

Read and see the whole Swants tutorial (it's kind of a fashion movement!) right here. Be prepared to be inspired. It's very recreational.


  1. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Stephen West is amazing! And a total darling of the knitting world. I love those pants until I get to the part where I have to wear them with a wide belt. --Nancy W

  2. I think that Swants wouldn't be less attractive if made with a nice elastic waist. I agree, the belt is confusing.

  3. He needs suspenders, very hipster upgrade, to with the mustache

  4. He needs suspenders, a very hipster upgrade which would also work with the mustache. Hands free i a must.


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