Friday, August 15, 2008

Crazy Earring Contest-VOTE

We have a weekly early-morning event at Panopolie. We open at 8:30 and have coffee and breakfast treats and some of our dedicated and busy customers come in and bead every week. Three of the 'regulars' decided to have a contest to see who could create the Worst Giant Earrings. These three worked on their designs for a month and kept the details secret from each other. There was much trash talking about who would have the 'best' Worst Earrings. When the big show down occurred this Friday we really could not choose. How do you choose between Light and Bright, Ready for a Party and Two for One? Can you? Vote for your favorite by leaving a comment on this blog and I will give the winner a big, very appropriate gift.

Light and Bright - these are just the accessories to wear to any occasion where you want to make sure folks look at your face. The glow of the neon foam will illuminate you. This artist said she was going to wear these all day after the unveiling so if you were in line behind her at the grocery store, well, now you know why she had those earrings on. Please pay special attention to the construction method on these earrings, they sport sterling plated jump rings and some very nice color matching. Read this entry as a fantasy of color and light, pointing out the joy we miss in our day to day interactions. I can tell you that when these earrings are worn, people smile.

Ready for a Party - note the artist's use of kitchen cabinet ingredients including the Excedrin nicely sealed in resin (Amazing Glaze, I believe.) The pain relievers taunt the wearer, as they will be needed if after sporting these heavy earrings but are forever unavailable, sealed in resin. The artist offers a second solution in that the bottle openers do still work, so a liquid 'pain reliever' could be utilized. The wire wrapping on these is also top notch. Oh, the artist would want me to point out that she made that pendant from metal clay and so clearly knows better than these earrings would suggest. I found this entry to be a wry commentary on the stresses faced by the the modern woman and her beer of choice.

Two for One - this artist took apart the idea of earrings as individuals and created a Earring/Necklace that requires a commitment from the wearer. Or at least a commitment from the wearer's earlobes as those lobes will be stretched out after a brief wearing. The piece is weighty both in form and actual weight. Note the mix of hand made beads (made by the artist!) and ethnographic elements in this piece for a clever commentary on globalization and fashion.

So, vote already. Leave me a comment telling me which pair is your favorite. Vote early and often, this contest is clearly rigged. Tell all your friends. Don't tell these three, they think I won't actually post this.

Oh, and if you are up early on Fridays, why aren't you here at Panopolie for Breakfast and Beads? There is a seat at our work table waiting for you...I'll pour you a cup of coffee.


  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    My pick for best worst earrings is by far the Two for One! WOW!

  2. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Ready for a Party wins my vote but it was a tough decision! My ears hurt just looking at them! Good fun.

  3. I love this contest! But really, is there any way to choose the best of the worst? I guess I will have to choose the two for one as it is truly a departure from any design that I have ever seen. But congratulations to all as they are all unique and best of the worst, worst of the best or worst of the worst.

  4. Love the Ready for a Party earrings. Maybe I should make some with a corkscrew, I don't like beer, lol. I'll be getting your new book, as soon as I get paid. And I have an award for ya ;)

  5. Beth-only the finest wines come in pop tops!

  6. My vote is for Two for One! Hope she doesn't get that earringlace hung on anything!

  7. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Two for One — oh my gosh, they remind me of a costume beard on elastic cord... disco amish maybe?

  8. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Wow, my vote is for the earrings/necklace. It looks like a real lobe-tugger. ouch!

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Two for One makes my ears hurt just looking at them!

  10. Anonymous1:08 PM

    The two for one is my favorite of the best worst earrings. Just too much!


  11. Anonymous1:32 PM

    hands down- two for one are the WORST!!! very creative!

  12. Two for One gets my vote. May I say "Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow, Ow!!"

  13. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Two for One!

  14. Since I am a beer lover I vote Ready for a Party. Love the Excedrin!!!
    <3 Sandra

  15. Oh my Goodness... the 2 for 1... I'd so rip my earlobes off. I love the flower ones... as long as they are light. What springtime fun... big,loud and colorful.

  16. I think I'm going to have to go for Two for One as well. They really are out there. As long as they weren't too heavy, I'd wear the other two pairs:)

  17. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Hands down... Two for one!! Long earolobes here I come!!

  18. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Light and Bright - they are cute and since they are made from foam, they would be light !! The others....ummm, no.

  19. I love Ready for a Party! Even though I only drink wine from a box.

  20. Anonymous5:12 PM

    If I have to vote, I'd vote for "Ready for a Party," as that is a theme near and dear to my heart.

    However, I love these three ladies and I wish them all success in this contest.

    I hope no children were harmed in the making of these earrings.

  21. WOW! Choosing is so tough. Since, I truly haven't been ready to party in some time and I find the floral creation just a bit of delicious divinity, I'll have to vote for the two-in-one earrings. Economy of time is clever no matter how painful it may seem.

  22. I met those girls one Friday morning. I liked them then, now I just plain admire them! I vote for the 2 for 1 but no one has said a word about the neon flowers...I think because lots of people might actually wear them! They would be the earrings you wouldn't be quite sure if they were a joke or not!

  23. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Gosh, I'd probably wear the bright flower ones, so I think I'll have to go for the Ready for a Party - gotta have a way to open that Sam Adams on a hot Raleigh day! ;-)

  24. Ready for a party! You really can't be more ready than that! I love it!

  25. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Tough choice. As someone who's allergic to bee stings my first inclination was Light & Bright. I'd hate to be swarmed while enjoying a nice lunch at an outdoor Bistro. As painful as 2 for 1 looks, I understand earlobes that touch your shoulders are the new rage for incoming high school freshmen. I'm going to have to vote for Ready for a Party. Being invited to my husband's pal's parties simply because of auditory bottle openers is something I will not tolerate. Not again. - Stephanie

  26. Anonymous4:25 PM

    omg lol i vote 4 teh earring necklace! i have never seen ANYTHING quite like that XD

  27. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Ready for a Party....Hey--no contest! Seriously. Anything that opens a beer while simutaneously doubling as accessories, [not to mention that third "pro" "... hey officer, it's an earring. Really...] Like I said, no contest! We have a winner.

    Sheryl and her creation R-O-C-K-S!

    Her Sister-In-Law,

  28. Anonymous9:46 AM

    The winner- only one choice....
    Two for One! Wow! Don't turn your head too fast!

  29. Anonymous8:58 PM

    My vote is for "Two For One." What a revolutionary design! This has Gucci written all over it!

  30. Anonymous1:44 AM

    I vote for the party ones. They are the worst.


    p.s. Aunt Sheryl. When are you coming out to California again?

  31. Anonymous1:46 AM

    I agree with Amy and that aunt sheryl should win. her stuff is always worst

    love matthew

  32. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I have to agree - best worse most inventive - Two for One

  33. Hats off to all the contestants. Great work by all. This is hard to choose! The practicality of Ready for a Party vs. the painful agony of Two for One vs. the phychedelic airiness of Light and Bright. My vote is for Two for One. I personally would hurt myself I wore those. Can I get an "ouch"? Good thing the designer did not add on a suspended nose ring...painful!

  34. Anonymous6:40 PM

    BrighidLady(who really is a creative & adventurously crafty gal) has to admit....I pick the "Two for One". Beleive it or not, I actually experimented with the same concept before my beleagured 'lobes shrieked: "Enough, already!". Great minds thinking alike, or are we nuts from the same tree??!! Keep in mind, I have a best friend who wears tiaras just for everyday, so my judgement may be skewed! Fun contest!

  35. Anonymous6:47 PM

    BrighidLady(really) I am a creative & adventurously crafty gal... have to admit....I pick the "Two for One"! Beleive it or not, I actually experimented with the same concept before my beleagured 'lobes shrieked: "Enough, already!". Do great minds think alike, or are we nuts from the same tree??!! Keep in mind, my best friend wears tiaras just for everyday, so my judgement may be skewed! Fun contest!


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