Monday, September 15, 2008

Selling Your Craft Work

Do you sell your craft work? We just had the Designer's Downtown Market at Ornamentea this weekend and it was really fun. Lots of fabulous work from my favorite designers. I know they were all selling as the booths were really busy, even with the heat. I bought several gifts and gifts-for-me, and somehow Cleo spent close to $40. She comes to work with me on the Market days and plays with her buddies from Sissy & Jacks. Usually the worst trouble they get into is excessive consumption of sweets. This time my daughter painted two ceramic pots AND placed a custom soap order. If you aren't already laughing out loud at this image, remember she is not yet six. Oh, and the custom soap order was for favors for her birthday party. Yes, my daughter is the kind of person who wants to custom-order soap party favors for her sixth birthday. Where does she get this penchant for paying attention to irrelevant details? Hmm...

Anywho, I spent a bit clearing up her debt and didn't get to spend all my money on myself. It's like she's my first born or something.

So, if you are interested in selling your work, check out my class here in Raleigh. Crafting for Money will help you out with pricing, explain sales venues and discuss when and why to sell. Plus, I get to remember my way-back days as a jewelry designer* and there will be wine, at least at the night time class.

Call to register...Ornamentea's class is September 19th, 6-8 pm and the class at Panopolie is October 16th from 10 am - 12 noon.

*I used to design and sell my work to catalogs and retailers around the country-before a certain handy husband built me a tiny little bead store on Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh. He just wanted to keep me at home instead of traveling from trade show to trade show...

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter sounds like the most adorable, precocious little thing! (:

    Does she spend a lot of time around adults instead of children? She sounds very... grown-up for her age.
    Or maybe she just likes soap.


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